Hipster BC - My GTD business card, with a surprise on the back

Here's a quick snap of the front and back of the business cards I had made up for David Allen's GTD | RoadMap seminar that I attended on Friday in Boston (more on the seminar in another post):

GTD Business Card, Front and Back
The card's front (left hand side) has basic contact info; it's hard to see in the photo, but at the bottom it reads (in gray):
Rather than going for something traditional, I wanted to make a card that would a) draw some attention (Doug's images does so nicely - always good for a "cool!"), b) educate a bit about the Allen's work, and c) give me some visual GTD talking points. The diagram is small, but I'm using it both for a visual symbol (icon) as well as concepts for me to go over with interested folks. I've found that even if someone can't read the words, I know them, and can present the flow while talking and pointing to the boxes. Of course I always give appropriate credit to Allen and Johnston (thanks, guys).

GTD Business Card, Front and Back
The card's front (left hand side) has basic contact info; it's hard to see in the photo, but at the bottom it reads (in gray):
collect - process - organize - review - doOn the back (right hand side) is Doug Johnston's incomparable GTD Quick Reference Card, which includes "a flow chart, a weekly review list, and a list of 'Stuff' (TM, patent pending)".
Rather than going for something traditional, I wanted to make a card that would a) draw some attention (Doug's images does so nicely - always good for a "cool!"), b) educate a bit about the Allen's work, and c) give me some visual GTD talking points. The diagram is small, but I'm using it both for a visual symbol (icon) as well as concepts for me to go over with interested folks. I've found that even if someone can't read the words, I know them, and can present the flow while talking and pointing to the boxes. Of course I always give appropriate credit to Allen and Johnston (thanks, guys).
Reader Comments (4)
Hi Matt,
Stylish and useful at the same time! What else can you ask for? :)
Great idea for a BC. I've some new developments on my side, but I'm too busy to post them now; maybe later in the day.
Thanks, Ricardo. Looking forward to hearing about your ideas.
I've posted about the changes on my implementation on my blog, if you want to take a look.
Right now, I'm experimenting with a slightly non-standard approach to the tickler file, but I haven't got to any conclusion regarding its efficiency.
Thanks for the pointer, Anonymous.