Two Second Poll: How do you like my new blogging style?

For three weeks I've been experimenting with shorter, looser, and more frequent posts, that have - gasp! - images. Do me a quick favor? Vote on how you like this style. Comment below if you want to share more detail. Thanks!
Reader Comments (6)
Hi. This blog is Drupal platform ?
TheOld: I found myself coming to your site at least twice a month. I would find ideas that I enjoyed exploring and sharing with friends. Summing up I miss the well thought out post.
TheNew: Its hard to say what I really like or don't like because I'm still getting used to it. But my first take: the pics are a nice fit. The "short" form often leaves me disappointed.
Matt - love the new format. Allows for a quick catch-up.
I like the pictures, but miss the thoughtful content.
Thanks very much everyone for taking the time to comment. Anonymous, Paul: You picked up on that, eh? Part of the experiment was to exchange fewer/deeper with more/draftier. I like getting more ideas out, but they are not as fleshed out - a tradeoff. A long time reader suggests I apply Seth Godin's style ( and go for short, but very solid posts. That will be my next goal - short, tight, and frequent. Godin's a master, so I have to be patient.
P.S. I like the pics too - I'll stay with them.
Yes, suplementy. It's hosted on Drupal. Big pluses and minuses.