The Definitive Guide To Superhero Novels

Having just finished the delightful It's Superman!: A Novel, I did some research to find as many other superhero novels as possible. Then I figured, heck, why not share them with you! I've put them up in an Amazon Listmania list:
The Definitive Guide To Superhero Novels.
I'm curious: Do you have any superhero (or related) books to recommend? Enjoy!
(Image from The Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company's Omnipotence page.)
Reader Comments (16)
Don't know if you saw this:
It has -if memory serves- short stories from Stephen King and Isaac Assimov in it.
There was a sequel, although I never read it:
I read the following book about 14 years ago-
I hadn't seen those - thanks. The first two get stellar ratings, and the latter looks like a strange mix. All go onto the list!
I love superhero novels. Thank you for the list.
Here is one I didn't see.
Gladiator by Philip Wylie was a fun surprise.
Howard Chaykin and Russ Heath turned it into a comic called Legend.
I recommend Philip Wylie's book. It is a product of its time.
Sweet! Thanks, Chris. I need some reading for an up-coming recuperation.
Then there's, wildcards which is the most successful superhero novel franchise, dunno how you could make a list about superhero books and not put that in there.
Then there's gladiator, kinda a crime to leave that out when it's what the comics ripped superman off of. I mean, seriously, all of superman's earlier adventures were taken straight from the pages of that novel, and the creators denied having read it at first despite running a sci-fi magazine (and philip wylie being one of the biggest sci-fi writers at the time, Gladiator being THE biggest sci-fi book). Literally every issue was taken from the pages of that book until they ran out of things to rip off from it, even the physical description - the look, the blue-black hair, the proportional strength of an ant and jumping abilities of a grasshopper, the ability to survive anything up to a bursting artillery shell, early superman was WORD FOR WORD a ripoff of philip wylie's Gladiator. They even had him wearing gladiator sandals on the first appearance in action comics but I guess they figured that that was too blatant so they colored over them in red and that's how superman got his boots. The only reason philip wylie didn't end up owning the rights to superman (there was an extensive legal battle) was because his idiot publisher didn't copyright his character, there's no real debate at all over whether it was a ripoff his publisher just failed epically.
Then there's ex-heroes, which was a lot of fun. Go to and they have most of them from the recent years when the genre has been getting more popular.
Hard Magic: Book I of the Grimnoir Chronicles:
Wild Cards I on Amazon:
Gladiator: ( free downloads: and )
Also, here's "Superhero Novels | News, reviews, and commentary about superhero fiction" - . It looks like a lot of fun.
Linden Morningstar
Superman: Last Son of Krypton.
It was released at the time of the Christopher Reeve movie, has a picvture of him on the cover, and has pictures included from the movie. This is strange, because the book has no similarity to the story of the film. It's much, much better.