How else can you see this? Perspective and the Value of a Tool Change

Sometimes merely simplifying your perspective on a task can make work flow easier. For example, in this experiment to write shorter and more frequent posts, I found that using a different tool for blogging shifted how I view the process. Somehow the novelty made a difference.
Here's one other example: Writing my monthly newsletter is a task I avoid (maybe dread's too strong a word :-) each time it pops up in my calendar. I've struggled with ways to format it, and this time around decided to use the classic"IdeamMatt" style: A list of short, useful, and stimulating bits of knowledge and ideas. To my delight, this new view freed me up to have fun and write. Ironically, I ended up covering the same categories (2x2, book, news, phrase, and time management tip), but it felt lighter. (I prefer thinking of spirals and crossing paths, rather than circles.)
Why does this happen? Maybe its dropping associations with the old environment. Or the Path of Least Resistance in action? Either way, I welcome it.
I'm curious: Have you experienced this? Why does this happen?
(Image: Georges de La Tour: Christ with St Joseph in the Carpenter's Shop, oil on canvas, 1.37×1.02 m, c. 1642 (Paris, Musée du Louvre); photo credit: Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY)
Reader Comments (3)
Matt - I really enjoy your insights. I love how you take a look at an idea from as many angles as you can manage to find.
Came accross this video last night: .. an experiment on changing people's perspective and their behavior. Wonder how long it takes for the novelty to wear off.
A ton of thanks for that, Phil. Your link kicked off a bunch of thinking re: incentives and Think, Try, Learn experiments. Super cool. FYI here's the English translated version of their web site (
Came across this book, which made the connection of tool = place: [ The Power of Place: How Our Surroundings Shape Our Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions (P.S.) | ]