Announcing Edison v1.2!

I'm happy to announce that we've added some tasty Edison improvements to make the site more engaging:
- Email notifications: You can now get emails when someone comments on your experiments. Just check "Receive an email if someone comments on my experiments" on your profile page. To subscribe to someone else's experiment, simply comment on it; you'll get emails of all subsequent comments. To unsubscribe, click "Unsubscribe me" under "EMAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS" on of the right of the experiment's detail page. You can also see how many people are subscribed.
- "See More" and "View all comments": On the All Experiments page, these two links expand individual comments or the entire conversation in-place without having to go to an experiment's detail page. You can still add your comment right there in the "Add a comment..." box, and clicking "See experiment" or the title still takes you to the details.
- "Share This": This new button at the top of experiment pages makes it easy to share interesting ones with others via email, Facebook, Twitter, and others.
- Smaller improvements: The "NEW" comment flag indicates recent experiment activity, and the font in Firefox+Mac has been increased just a bit.
Coming soon: You'll be able to log in using your Facebook account, rather than having to create an Edison-specific one.
I invite you to go to and browse others' experiments or start your own. Happy experimenting! -- Matt, Liza, Graham, and the entire Think, Try, Learn team

Reader Comments (2)
Thanks for letting me know, i'm a bit of a technophobe at times!
Understood! I will say it's about as simple a site as you'll find, these days. Intentionally, of course.