On my birthday last week I received a wonderful surprise in the mail: A lovely assortment from of TCHO chocolate from a client and entrepeneur. Yum! (Side note: I was turned onto great chocolate when my wife dragged me into one of Larry Burdick's cafes and got me to try a few bon bons and a cup of drinking chocolate. No kidding, It changed my life; see How To Make The Ultimate Cup Of Hot Chocolate from four years ago.)
This got me thinking about the emotional impact of incoming items (attention tokens as I called them in These Are The Inboxes Of Our Lives). As an anxious person, I especially appreciate these. It's why I still Use Gmail's "star" To Highlight Good News.
What about you? I invite you to share some inspiring things that show up in your inbox, that is, things that made you take a relaxing deep breath. Paper or "physical" things - either way! To the side are a few recent ones that motivated this post: The chocolate and a children's harp that needs a new string (the note was priceless).
I'm curious: How often do you get something uplifting in your inboxes (email, paper, or voicemail)? What sources (i.e., people) have the highest signal-to-noise (uplift-to-??) ratio? Do
you create delight through the things you give out?